About Nick Liu

I have a relationship with certain medicines and they have revealed to me a great number of truths about myself and the way I live-in and connect with this world. I’ve gained beneficial insights about my relationships, my profession, my parenting, and the inner-workings of my mind. For most of my professional life, I’ve been a middle school science teacher. I took some time off from teaching and moved to be closer to my family as my father’s health declined. After he passed, I decided to pursue a career in journeywork. I find that the skills from teaching have made me a better guide – knowing when to push, when to be patient, when to be silent. It is a different way to be of service and it has been very refreshing to focus all of my attention and energy on one person at a time! With my students, colleagues, and now clients, I’m told I have a calming presence. I’m a believer in simplicity and like to keep it flowing and positive, always moving in the direction of the heart. A good laugh or a good cry are always good medicine too!
I don’t ascribe to any particular style, philosophy, or framework. I believe there are many ways to expand one’s consciousness and there are many sources of wisdom and inspiration that I draw from. Even though the “psychedelic renaissance” is growing in popularity, it is truly a reconnection with ancient traditions. While modern science may have some things of the mind & body figured out, there are tried-and-true methods (which certainly took a lot of experimentation) that humans have been using for millennia. It is unfortunate that our modern societies have little community framework (not to mention the war on drugs) to provide the guidance and wisdom to use these powerful medicines in sacred space. I believe there is compatibility and even synergy between the old and the new. However dysfunctional modern civilization can be, I want to be part of the mycorrhizal network that reconnects people to life.
- Completed Psychedelic Guide Training, The Center for Medicinal Mindfulness, Boulder, CO
- Taking part in this training has been instrumental in honing my skills in guiding. Being part of this community has also opened my mind to the myriad possibilities possible in this work!
- Volunteer for The Fireside Project, a Psychedelic Support Line that provides emotional support during and after psychedelic experiences
- Being of service at Fireside has been a privilege and an amazing learning opportunity for me. To be trusted by fellow travelers to hold space in challenging psychedelic experiences is an honor and one of the highlights of my week!
- Wilderness First-Aid and CPR Certified, NOLS Wilderness Medicine, Lander, WY
- Though psychedelic medicines are very safe, they are not without risk; your safety is priority and I want to be prepared for anything.
- Current student at VITAL, a certificate program in Psychedelic-informed practice, Harm-reduction, and Integration.
- This is continuing education for me as part of an international community of practitioners. I will be specializing in Trauma & Somatics.
- Organizer, Triangle Psychedelic Society, Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC
- Community is an important aspect of psychedelics, not only for normalization and integration, but simply to share the magic. I have been grateful to be welcomed into this group and been able to organize some events.
About the “Standing Wave” name and logo
I have always appreciated how time slows during psychedelic experiences, allowing you to achieve stillness within the turbulent sea of linear life, and be truly aware of the moment. Going back to childhood, I have always enjoyed being close to creeks and lakes and peering into the water. One of the curiosities that always mesmerized me was the elliptical shadows that water striders cast on the creek bed as they stand on the water’s surface.

The Standing Wave logo is a picture I took of the dual shadows of mating water striders. In physics, a standing wave is the superposition of 2 waves; also what makes sound in the “container” of a musical instrument. So, a standing wave is all about synchronicity creating harmony–riding a wave to the top and looking out to realize that you are the ocean. And that’s what I love about medicine work!