- Why so much preparation?
- First, it is essential to establish rapport with each other. If you do not feel comfortable with me as your guide or I don’t feel comfortable being your guide, it would be ill-advised to go into ceremony. It needs to be recognized that there is a power dynamic in ceremony, as you will be altered in ceremony. Therefore, we must establish trust before a ceremony.
- Next, the better prepared you are for the journey, the more you will get out of it. If you know what to expect, it will be easier to overcome anxiety and trust the process. In preparation, we also get you better resourced–knowing your allies, recognizing your weaknesses or triggers, and getting practice with your skills.
- What is my role in preparation?
- Honesty is first-and-foremost–in the safety questionaire and the discussions. I want to know everything (including feedback on how I’m doing) that could be helpful in supporting you.
- Following my recommendations with integrity, such as clearing your schedule or taking care of logistical things.
- Lastly, having an open-mind and open-heart can go a long way in having a powerful ceremony.
- Can you skip the preparation and just sit for me?
- To get the most out of this plant medicine, it is recommended we do the complete protocol. If I have worked with your before, we can slim down the preparation on subsequent journeys.
- Is this legal?
- Yes, but it depends on your location which medicines you can purchase and use. THC-A flower is currently legal under the Farm Bill as a hemp product with THC <0.3%, but its availability varies by state.
- Is this safe?
- The safety profile of cannabis is very strong. See more from this study, which states that “Researchers estimate that it is nearly impossible to ingest the amount of THC that would constitute a lethal dose. This is probably why no fatalities have been attributed to humans ingesting marijuana by smoking, edibles, or any other means of consumption.” That being said, there are risks to mental health. Though thoughts and feelings of paranoia and anxiety will normally subside, there are some long-term risks for developing psychosis (not knowing what is real, hallucinations, and paranoia) and long-lasting mental disorders, including schizophrenia (a type of mental illness where people might hear or see things that are not really there). There are also potential risk factors such as cardiovascular conditions. This is, again, why being honest on your safety questionaire is essential.
- Does Standing Wave provide the medicine?
- If you are local, I can gift you my blend. If you are remote, I can make recommendations, but you must procure your own medicine.
- Can I use edibles?
- You may, but it makes dosing and timing a little tricky. There are also some benefits from the plant that will be absent from extracts & edibles. The ideal method of imbibing is to smoke or vaporize flower.
- Is cannabis really a psychedelic?
- Yes! Though not considered one of the “classic psychedelics” (LSD, psilocybin, DMT), it can induce very similar states during a much shorter time span. It is an amazlingly versatile medicine. Cannabis is a “Somatic Psychedelic” because it effects both the 5-HT2A receptor of the brain (which other psychedelics activate) as well as the endocannabinoid system in the body. Cannabis allows clients to have increased awareness of difficult somatic sensations, memories, mental programs, judgements, and anxieties, and this exploration leads to a resolution and transformation of unhealthy states.
- Does it really work virtually?
- Yes. I, myself, was doubtful that it could work, but I have effectively guided and been guided remotely. There are also some benefits of being able to journey in the privacy of your own home.
- What can I expect after the ceremony?
- You will probably be tired, but also excited at new realizations/possibilities!
- What is expected of me?
- Get some rest. Do some self-care and ease your way back into regular life. This is a good time to take stock of what you have learned, and you can express that through journalling, art, and other creative outlets.
- When will I be ready to journey alone?
- It is different for everyone, but we will discuss your comfort level after journeying with me.